
git 带有参数的别名

git 别名以及使用参数相关注意事项



git 别名配置在文件 ~/.gitconfig 中,存在两种别名

  1. git 命令别名,内置命令
  2. 非 git 命令别名,使用前缀!,运行在 shell
    ci = commit
    br = branch
    push-view = !sh -c 'git origin HEAD:refs/for/$1' -
    gitkconflict = !gitk --left-right HEAD...MERGE_HEAD

Advanced aliases with parameters

Starting with version 1.5.3, git supports appending the arguments to commands prefixed with “!”, too. If you need to perform a reordering, or to use an argument twice, you can use this trick:

    example = !sh -c 'ls $2 $1' -
  • ! 在 shell 中运行
  • $1 为第一个参数

另外一种方式,封装为 bash 函数 f

    files = "!f() { git diff --name-status \"$1^\" \"$1\"; }; f"



$ GIT_TRACE=1 git push-view test

或者使用 gdb 调试

    debug = !GIT_PAGER= gdb --args git

用法 git debug push-view test


定义 gerrit review alias 为

  push-for-review = push origin HEAD:refs/for/master
  push-for-review-branch = !git push origin HEAD:refs/for/$1
  push-as-draft = push origin HEAD:refs/drafts/master
  push-as-draft-branch = !git push origin HEAD:refs/drafts/$1


$ GIT_TRACE=1 git push-for-review-branch test
16:38:33.280667 git.c:344               trace: built-in: git push origin HEAD:refs/for/test test
To ssh://
   d9d506f..20c5d70  test -> test
 * [new branch]      HEAD -> refs/for/test

尾巴上多出一个参数导致直接合并,不理解为什么?$@ 解析问题?
stackoverflow - Git alias with positional parameters解释如下

The sh -c ‘..’ – and f() {..}; f options both cleanly handle the “$@” parameters in different ways (see with GIT_TRACE). Appending “#” to an alias would also allow positional parameters without leaving the trailing ones.


  push-for-review = push origin HEAD:refs/for/master
  push-for-review-branch = "!git push origin HEAD:refs/for/$1 #"
  push-as-draft = push origin HEAD:refs/drafts/master
  push-as-draft-branch = "!git push origin HEAD:refs/drafts/$1 #"